Sunday, 7 June 2020

Challenges of click-stream data in Tourism Industry

June 6, 2020

Challenges of click-stream data in Tourism 

Hi friends..
In this post i will be talking about the importance of the click-stream data in tourism industry. The term 'click-stream' describes how users navigate on websites.Clicking stream data is what we call user behavior data, tracking every single "click" over your website or application.To determine user behavior, most tourist companies already use a number of common analytics tools.
Click stream lets you track all of the events you want and broadcast them to our data warehouse, marketing or any other destination in real-time with the right platform.Travelers tend to use a range of sources of information, including social media, and look at the interactions between a limited number of sources of information here we use click stream data in predicting the behaviors of travelers by providing the detailed transnational information tracked and recorded.

Challenges of click stream data

  • Because data streams are potentially unbounded in size, the amount of storage needed to calculate an accurate response to a data stream query can also grow unbounded.
  • New data is continuously arriving even as the old data is being processed; the amount of computation time per data element must be small, or the computation latency would be too high and the algorithm can not keep up with the data stream.
  • The continuous data stream model is most applicable to issues where timely query responses are relevant, and large amounts of data are generated continuously at a high rate over time.
  •  To autonomously respond to changing conditions and data trends.
  •  continuous data streams may be infinite, a blocking operator that has a data stream as one of its inputs can never see all of its input and will therefore never be able to generate any output.

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